stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Oman Daniel 100 Punkte, Hönck Jakob Stephan 100 Punkte, Gregorič Matejo 100 Punkte,             Team Rankings : NFÖ - Petzen 4811 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,             Fotos Petzen Climbing Trophy 2023 (N) St. Michael ob Bleiburg
    >>>>>> results <<<<<<


Event 1. Bewerb Schokocup 2015 Mariazell
Type of competition : Schokocup
Cup competitions : Schokoklettercup 2015
authorized by : Kletterverband Steiermark
location of the event : Kraxlstubn Mariazell
address : Erlaufseestraße 49, 8630 Mariazell
coordinates Lat / Lon : 47.784580 / 15.301865
route planning : Routenplaner
date : 2015-03-14 (Saturday) Date in a calendar to take over
end of regular registration : 2015-03-14 24:00
Registration : 08:30 - 09:00 Uhr
opening : 09:15 Uhr
start time : 09:30 Uhr
entry fee : 12.00 Euro
post-nomination : + 5.00
Routes Quali : 3 Routes, 1 tries for each route
Nominations / competitor : 41 / 34
nomination by country : 38
categories :
categorie Nominations nomination by country competitor
U8 / mixed 5 54
U10 / female 4 43
U10 / male 6 66
U12 / female 6 55
U12 / male 9 97
U14 / female 4 44
U14 / male 7 55
countries : AUT (41),
regions : Steiermark (38), Burgenland (3),
clubs : NFÖ (23), ÖAV (17), SV (1),
sections / location groups : Mariazell (15), Mixnitz (5), Muerzzuschlag (5), Graz (5), Fuerstenfeld (4), Judenburg (2), Fohnsdorf (2), No Limit Bruck a.d. Mur (1), Mitterdorf im Muerztal (1), Liezen (1),
Organizer : Naturfreunde Mariazell
Chief of the Organisation : Karl Heinz Ganster
Judge :  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
EDV - analysis : Karl Heinz Ganster
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