stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Vilks Edvards 200 Punkte, Bergmann Katharina 200 Punkte, Drenški Lorena 200 Punkte,             Team Rankings : NFÖ - Petzen 4811 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,
    >>>>>> results <<<<<<


Event Alps-Adriatic iRCC 2020 (L) Tarvisio (postponed in case of covid 19)
Type of competition : Lead
Rules : iRCC Kurz-Regeln Lead ab 2019.pdf
Cup competitions : iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2020
location of the event : Kletterhalle Tarvis
address : Via degli Atleti Azzurri - Sporthalle , 33018 Tarvisio (Italia)
coordinates Lat / Lon : 46.506222 / 13.573083
route planning : Routenplaner
date : 2020-12-31 (Thursday) Date in a calendar to take over
end of regular registration : 2020-04-13 24:00
Registration : 09:00 - 09:30 - U08 + U10 + U12 f m
09:00 - 13:15 - U14 + U16 + H16 f m
opening : 09:40 - U08 + U10 + U12 f m
13:45 - U14 + U16 + H16 f m
Team Meeting after opening
start time : 10:00 - U08 + U10 + U12 f m
14:00 - U14 + U16 + H16 f m
Isolation : 12:45 - U10 + U12 f m
16:45 - U14 + U16 + H16 f m
start time finale : 13:00 - U10 + U12 f m
17:00 - U14 + U16 + H16 f m
award ceremony : after Finals
entry fee : 15.00 Euro
post-nomination : + 5.00
Routes Quali : 2 Routes, 1 tries for each route
Final : 1 Routes, 1 tries for each route
Nominations / competitor : 30 / 0
nomination by country : 0
categories :
categorie Nominations nomination by country competitor
U08 / female 0 00
U08 / male 0 00
U10 / female 0 00
U10 / male 1 00
U12 / female 3 00
U12 / male 0 00
U14 / female 4 00
U14 / male 7 00
U16 / female 6 00
U16 / male 5 00
H16 / female 3 00
H16 / male 1 00
countries : CRO (14), AUT (6), ROU (4), SLO (2), BUL (1), SRB (1), BLR (1), HUN (1),
regions : Zagreb (13), Kaernten (4), Bucharest (4), Karlovačka županija (1), Belgrad (1), Veszprém (1), Salzburg (1), Štajerska (1), Steiermark (1), Sofia (1), Ljubljana (1), Gomel (1),
clubs : HPS (14), ÖAV (6), FRAE (4), PZS (2), SPSS (1), VESE (1), FBAC (1), --- (1),
sections / location groups : SPK Fothia (14), ALPIN CLUB CARPATIC (4), Villach (2), Klagenfurt (2), Kuchl (1), Black Rock (1), Veszprém (1), NSA Sofia (1), Slovenska Bistrica (1), Graz (1), Športno Plezalni klub AK Ljubljana (1), --- (1),
Organizer : Mangart Climbing Club
Chief of the Organisation : Stefano D.Inca
Judge :  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
First Aid : ?
Assistent : Team Mangart Climbing Club
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