stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Oman Daniel 100 Punkte, Hönck Jakob Stephan 100 Punkte, Gregorič Matejo 100 Punkte,             Team Rankings : NFÖ - Petzen 4811 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,             Fotos Petzen Climbing Trophy 2023 (N) St. Michael ob Bleiburg
    >>>>>> results <<<<<<


Event KFW - Kärntencup 2011 Hermagor
Type of competition : Lead
Cup competitions : KFW - Kärntner Klettercup 2011
authorized by : Kletterverband Kärnten
location of the event : Kletterhalle Hermagor
address : Hauptstraße 65, 9620 Hermagor
coordinates Lat / Lon : 46.628124 / 13.362261
route planning : Routenplaner
announcement :
date : 2011-02-19 (Saturday) Date in a calendar to take over
end of regular registration : 2011-02-09 24:00
Registration : 08:30 - 09:00 : U10, U12,
12:30 - 13:00 : U14, U20, U16
opening : 09:15 : U10, U12
14:00 : U14, U16, U20
Team Meeting nach der Eröffnung
start time : 09:30 : U10, U12
14:15 : U14, U16, U20
Isolation : 11:45 : U10, U12
16:40 : U14, U16, U20
start time finale : 12.00 : U10, U12
* 17:10 : U14, U16, U20
award ceremony : 14:00 : U10, U12
* 19:00 : U14, U16, U20
* Zeitverschiebungen möglich
entry fee : 13.00 Euro
entry fee federation : 13.00 Euro
entry fee Federations : Kletterverband Kärnten,
post-nomination : + 5.00
Routes Quali : 3 Routes, 1 tries for each route
Startreihenfolge Q2 : ab Haelfte
Nominations / competitor : 133 / 104
nomination by country : 93
categories :
categorie Nominations nomination by country competitor
U10 - Kinder 1 / female 8 65
U10 - Kinder 1 / male 12 1110
U12 - Kinder 2 / female 22 1818
U12 - Kinder 2 / male 24 1819
U14 - Schueler / female 12 710
U14 - Schueler / male 13 99
U16 - Jugend B / female 11 58
U16 - Jugend B / male 10 68
U20 - Jugend A + Junioren / female 15 913
U20 - Jugend A + Junioren / male 6 45
countries : AUT (108), SLO (14), CRO (5), ITA (3), HUN (2), SVK (1),
regions : Kaernten (93), Steiermark (9), Zagreb (5), Primorska (4), Štajerska (4), Gorenjska (3), Salzburg (3), Friuli (3), Oberoesterreich (3), Ljubljana (3), Csongrad (2), Zilinsky (1),
clubs : ÖAV (70), NFÖ (28), PZS (14), SV (10), HPS (5), FASI (2), MHSSz (2), JAMES (1), DES (1),
sections / location groups : Klagenfurt (26), Villach (14), Wolfsberg (13), St. Johann im R. (10), Hermagor (9), Zell-Sele (8), St. Veit an der Glan (6), Graz (4), Judenburg (4), Črnuče (3), Vipava (3), St. Stefan / Gail (3), Velebit (3), Dobratsch (2), Vöcklabruck (2), Salzburg (2), Celje (2), RLSE (2), Laško (2), Tržič (2), Kranj (1), Proteus (1), HK Manin (1), Garavita Zero Trieste (1), Villach (1), Obergailtal-Lesachtal (1), Z-top (1), Fohnsdorf (1), Olympic Rock Trieste (1), Vöcklabruck (1), SPK Fothia (1), Saalfelden (1), Gorica (1),
Organizer : OeAV Kletterzentrum-Hermagor
Chief of the Organisation : Edi Brugger
Federation : Kletterverband Kärnten
Jury President : Gerald Karnel
Judge : Walter Mörtl, Hannes Schluga, Anna Karnel, Siegfried Lasser, Gerhard Gradenegger, Erika Kopr, Thomas Ogris, Paul Steinkellner,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
routesetting : Florian Murnig & team
EDV - analysis : Harald Klemm
First Aid : Erste-Hilfe-Sanitäter
Assistent : ÖAV Hermagor-Team
Photos : Photos
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