stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Oman Daniel 100 Punkte, Nuart Paula 100 Punkte, Blaschitz Prutej Lea 100 Punkte,             Team Rankings : PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Petzen 1278 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,             Fotos Petzen Climbing Trophy 2023 (N) St. Michael ob Bleiburg
    >>>>>> results <<<<<<


Event KFW - PETZEN CLIMBING TROPHY : Kärnten-Cup 2010
Type of competition : Lead
Rules : PCT10_Lead-Regeln.pdf
Cup competitions : KFW - Kaernten-Cup 2010, PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2010
authorized by : Kletterverband Kärnten
location of the event : KletterZentrum Petzen
address : Sportpark , 9143 St. Michael ob Bleiburg
coordinates Lat / Lon : 46.576221 / 14.752210
route planning : Routenplaner
announcement :
date : 2010-07-11 (Sunday) Date in a calendar to take over
end of regular registration : 2010-06-22 24:00
Registration : 07:30
opening : 07:30 Infos of the day
start time : 08:45
Isolation : ca. 13:00
start time finale : 14:00
award ceremony : ca. 15:30
entry fee : 25.00 Euro
post-nomination : + 6.00
Routes Quali : 3 Routes, 1 tries for each route
time to climb quali : 240
Startreihenfolge Q2 : ab Haelfte
Kletterdauer Finale : 240
Nominations / competitor : 313 / 250
nomination by country : 82
categories :
categorie Nominations nomination by country competitor
Kids1 (U10) / female 28 90
Kids1 (U10) / male 20 120
Kids2 (U12) / female 28 90
Kids2 (U12) / male 43 80
Pupils (U14) / female 44 60
Pupils (U14) / male 38 100
Youth B (U16) / female 25 90
Youth B (U16) / male 37 50
Juniors (U20) / female 16 60
Juniors (U20) / male 34 80
countries : AUT (151), CRO (26), RUS (25), CZE (24), BUL (21), SLO (21), SRB (9), SVK (8), UKR (8), ITA (6), ROU (6), HUN (5), KAZ (2), USA (1),
regions : Kaernten (82), Salzburg (28), Kaliningrad (25), Koroska (16), Oberoesterreich (15), Steiermark (14), Zagreb (13), Sofia (9), Veliko Tarnovo (9), Belgrad (8), Wien (7), Pardubický (6), Split (6), Krim (5), Suedtirol (5), Bucharest (4), Niederoesterreich (4), Lukavice (4), Primorsko-goranska (4), Bratislava (4), Breclav (4), Istra (3), Odessa (3), Ljubljana (3), Varna (3), Lanškroun (2), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (2), Brasov (2), Jihomoravský (2), Aqmola (2), Praha (2), Bács-Kiskun (2), Štajerska (2), Tirol (1), Nis (1), Banskobystrický (1), Zilinsky (1), Jihocesky (1), Budapest (1), Královéhradecký (1), Veneto (1), Brno (1), Břeclav (1), Colorado (1), Kosice (1), Trencin (1),
clubs : ÖAV (115), NFÖ (28), CFR (25), HPS (25), PZS (20), ČHS (16), FBAC (11), BCMF (9), SV (8), JAMES (8), USPFS (7), FRAE (6), --- (6), FASI (6), MHSSz (5), HOpice (4), UMCF (3), SPSS (2), MCFRK (2), SPL (2), H-Climbing Team Hudy (2), AK (1), varnaclimbing (1),
sections / location groups : Klagenfurt (28), KCAF (24), Villach (18), Wolfsberg (13), Graz (12), BCMF Tarnovo (9), Ravne (9), St. Johann im R. (8), Hermagor (8), Oberpinzgau (7), Salzburg (7), HK Lanškroun (6), SPK Pulfer (6), Vöcklabruck (6), --- (6), OeGV Wien (6), Black Rock (6), Caf (5), Črna na Koroškem (5), Altius (5), Linz (4), Niedernsill (4), ALPIN CLUB CARPATIC (4), A (4), Zell-Sele (4), Velebit (4), SC Climbo (3), Črnuče (3), Lofer (3), Odessa YCS (3), Riječki alpinistički klub (3), HIPERAKTIV Pazin (3), KLAJDA Team (2), MKSK Modra (2), Schwanenstadt (2), AVS Bruneck (2), Pardubice (2), Celje (2), Pustimer (2), BHSE Miskolc (2), SMIHOFF Praha (2), AVS Drei Zinnen Sexten (2), Black Rock (2), LK Svitavy (2), Fohnsdorf (2), Varnaclimbing (2), Tauernkraxxla (2), Neunkirchen (2), Brasov (2), Dobratsch (2), CS Skala (2), Liesing-Perchtoldsdorf (2), Vöcklabruck (1), Pucking (1), Ravne (1), Werfen (1), X-FIGHTER TEAM Molvena (1), Klébi (1), DRPK (1), Seekirchen (1), Z-top (1), Darvas (1), Kufstein (1), Bratislava (1), West Summit (1), Wiener Neustadt (1), 1993 (1), Grieskirchen (1), HK Pálavský Věšák; Orel Břeclav (1), NSA Sofia (1), RedPoint Myjava (1), LK SPIDER´S NOOK Modra (1), SPK Fothia (1), SPK Rirockclimbing (1), HK Manin (1), Salzburg (1), AVS Brixen (1), 1996 (1), - (1), Wien (1), Tria-Túra (1), Marulianus (1), Kuchl (1), Obergailtal-Lesachtal (1), P.A.E.K."NIS" (1), Metropol Kosice (1), CCCBBB (1), Singing Rock team (1),
Organizer : Naturfreunde Petzen
Chief of the Organisation : Reinhard Pukel
Jury President : Elisabeth Galautz
Judge : Gerald Karnel, Zoran Sekulic, Kurt Pirker, Siegfried Lasser, Erika Kopr, Gerhard Gradenegger, Joachim Lesjak, Herbert Kobler, Thomas Ogris, Katarina Loibner, Corinna Katzler, Walter Mörtl,  ,  ,  ,  ,
routesetting : Michael Nedetzky & team
EDV - analysis : Harald Klemm
Assistent : NFÖ Petzen-Team
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