stwk    Hall of Fame           Ukupni poredak : Dražumerič Sofija 300 Punkte, Vilks Edvards 300 Punkte, Oman Kilian 286 Punkte,             Poredak klubova : NFÖ - Petzen 5364 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3359 Punkte, FBAC - NSA Sofia 2410 Punkte,
 Official Data
Rest Stephan Picture Stephan
Godina ro?enja 2001
Državljanstvo AUT (Austria)
Regija/Županija Salzburg
Savez ÖAV / Kuchl
Poredak klubova 24.   332 Bodovi


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Ergebnisse (1 Jahr) Alle Top3

Mjesto Natjecanje Grad Vrsta natjecanja Kategorija Datum Savez Rotpunkt Teškoća R/G/MG % Savez Urkunde

Cupergebnisse von Rest Stephan

Equery=select * from CupConfig,CupEndErgebnisse where CupConfig.CID=CupEndErgebnisse.CID AND KID=7303 AND CupConfig.CID != 17 order by CupEndErgebnisse.CID DESC
Mjesto Pokal Kategorija
2. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2019 H16
8. iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2019 H16
5. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2018 H16
8. iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2018 H16
1. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2017 H16
13. iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2016 U16
2. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2015 U16
3. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2014 U14
19. iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2014 U14
8. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2013 U14
12. iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2013 U14
2. iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2012 U12
5. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2012 U12
10. PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2011 U12 - Kids II
4. Salzburg-Cup (Vorstieg) Kinder
2. Salzburg-Cup (Boulder) Kinder
8. iRCC - InterRegional Climbing Cup 2011 U12
1. Salzburg-Cup Gesamtwertung Kinder

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