stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Oman Daniel 100 Punkte, Hönck Jakob Stephan 100 Punkte, Gregorič Matejo 100 Punkte,             Team Rankings : NFÖ - Petzen 4811 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,             Fotos Petzen Climbing Trophy 2023 (N) St. Michael ob Bleiburg
    >>>>>> results <<<<<<


Type of competition : Petzen-Boulder
Rules : PCT10_Boulder-Regeln.pdf
Cup competitions : KFW - Kärntner Klettercup 2011 , PCT - Petzen Climbing Trophy 2011
authorized by : Kletterverband Kärnten
location of the event : KletterZentrum Petzen
address : Sportpark , 9143 St. Michael ob Bleiburg
coordinates Lat / Lon : 46.576221 / 14.752210
route planning : Routenplaner
announcement :
date : 2011-07-10 (Sunday) Date in a calendar to take over
end of regular registration : 2011-06-21 24:00
Registration : 07:30
opening : 07:30 Infos of the day
start time : 08:45
award ceremony : Samstag / Saturday 18:30 + Sonntag / Sunday 16:00
entry fee : 28.00 Euro
post-nomination : + 6.00
Routes Quali : 8 Routes, 3 tries for each route
Nominations / competitor : 289 / 222
nomination by country : 87
categories :
categorie Nominations nomination by country competitor
U10 / female 15 30
U10 / male 29 170
U12 / female 35 150
U12 / male 34 110
U14 / female 38 60
U14 / male 40 130
U16 / female 23 50
U16 / male 35 50
U20 / female 18 61
U20 / male 22 60
countries : AUT (135), BUL (25), CRO (19), CZE (19), SLO (17), SRB (15), ROU (11), HUN (9), ITA (7), UKR (7), IRL (5), MKD (5), LUX (5), RUS (4), KAZ (3), SVK (2), LTU (1),
regions : Kaernten (87), Salzburg (18), Sofia (15), Belgrad (14), Steiermark (12), Zagreb (12), Bucharest (9), Oberoesterreich (9), Suedtirol (7), Koroska (6), Wien (5), NIYCT (5), Štajerska (5), Luxenburg (5), Skopje (5), Split (4), Liberecký (4), Kaliningrad (4), Veliko Tarnovo (4), Pardubický (4), Kirovograd (4), Odessa (3), Primorska (3), Lanškroun (3), Budapest (3), Aqmola (3), Varna (3), Tirol (2), Ljubljana (2), Jihomoravský (2), Niederoesterreich (2), Brasov (2), Csongrad (2), Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén (2), Primorsko-goranska (2), Stara Sagora (1), Královéhradecký (1), Klaipėda (1), Banskobystrický (1), Rouse (1), Plovdiv (1), Istra (1), Nis (1), Brno (1), Breclav (1), Praha (1), Lukavice (1), Veszprém (1), Moravskoslezský (1), Bratislava (1), Bács-Kiskun (1), Gorenjska (1),
clubs : ÖAV (98), NFÖ (28), HPS (19), FBAC (18), ČHS (16), PZS (16), USPFS (13), FRAE (11), SV (9), MHSSz (8), UMCF (7), FASI (7), MSCF (5), NIYCT (5), BCMF (4), CFR (4), FLERA (4), MCFRK (3), SPSS (2), JAMES (2), H-Climbing Team Hudy (1), KLÉBI (1), LCSA (1), Vertical (1), AK (1), KKH (1), varnaclimbing (1), SPL (1), HOpice (1),
sections / location groups : Klagenfurt (29), Wolfsberg (16), Villach (15), Black Rock (11), Altius (10), St. Johann im R. (9), ALPIN CLUB CARPATIC (8), Graz (7), Hermagor (7), Salzburg (6), Vöcklabruck (6), Zell-Sele (6), NIYCT (5), Skopje (5), SPK Pulfer (5), HO Komorní výtah (4), Oberpinzgau (4), Kirovograd Center Tourists (4), OeGV Wien (4), AVS Bruneck (4), Kuchl (4), BCMF Tarnovo (4), Ravne (4), KCAF (4), Vipava (3), AVS Brixen (3), Judenburg (3), Kloterklub Hesper KKH (3), Odessa YCS (3), Velebit (3), CS Skala (3), Fohnsdorf (2), SC Climbo (2), Caf (2), Celje (2), BHSE Miskolc (2), Wilder Kaiser (2), Varnaclimbing (2), LK Svitavy (2), NSA Sofia (2), Brasov (2), Marulianus (2), Black Rock (2), Dobratsch (2), SPK Fothia (2), HK Lanškroun (2), RLSE (2), Črnuče (2), Liesing-Perchtoldsdorf (2), Mozirje (2), Rouse (1), KKSK-MSC (1), Pustimer (1), - (1), Pardubice (1), Ampflwang (1), Singing Rock team (1), Club Montan Altitudine (1), A (1), KKH (1), LK SPIDER´S NOOK Modra (1), VESE (1), KLAJDA Team (1), Wien (1), SPK Durango (1), KLÉBI (1), Klébi (1), 1993 (1), SPK ONSIGHT (1), Darvas (1), Obergailtal-Lesachtal (1), SPK Rirockclimbing (1), Z-top (1), Niedernsill (1), PK Zemun (1), Seekirchen (1), Plezalni klub Scena (1), KES SELT (1), FBAC (1), Villach (1), Linz (1), Kaprun (1), Laško (1), CCCBBB (1), DRPK (1), Ravne (1), Salzburg (1), Rocky Monkeys Brno (1), Vöcklabruck (1), Riječki alpinistički klub (1), Klammspann Ettelbreck KSE (1), Petzen (1), HK Polička (1), P.A.E.K."NIS" (1), KLÉBI (1), HK Orlová HO Baník Karviná (1), SMIHOFF Praha (1),
Organizer : Naturfreunde Petzen
Chief of the Organisation : Reinhard Pukel
Jury President : Elisabeth Galautz
Judge : Anna Karnel, Anton Baumann, Gerhard Gradenegger, Siegfried Lasser, Walter Mörtl, Erika Kopr, Thomas Ogris, Zoran Sekulic, Kurt Pirker, Gerald Karnel, Katarina Loibner, Sabine Galautz,  ,  ,  ,  ,
routesetting : Michael Nedetzky & team
EDV - analysis : Michael Gyarmati
Assistent : NFÖ Petzen-Team
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